Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Orchid of the month : Grammtophyllum speciosum

Grammatophyllum Speciosum

Grammatophyllum Speciosum, atau Anggrek Harimau, adalah anggrek terbesar di dunia. Berkembang biak di sela-sela pohon besar, anggrek ini bisa mencapai panjang 15 ft; Satu rumpun tanaman pernah tercatat memiliki berat 2 ton. Berada di lingkungan panas, hutan tropis yang lembab di kawasan Malaysia, Sumatra, and New Guinea, anggrek ini dikenal karena penampilannya yang luar biasa pada saat berbunga, walupun cuma berbunga sekali dalam 2 sampai 4 tahun.

Bunga anggrek harimau, juga dikenal anggrek tebu, sangat tahan lama dan dapat bertahan sampai 2 bulan. Bunganya dapat mencapai 6 in berwana kuning krim denga bintik coklat atau merah tua. Stem bunga dapat mencapai 6-9 in dengan 60-100 kuntum per tangkai.

1 comment:

  1. I got one from P Sujono, and planted it in a plastic pot with soil at home, I'm happy that I finally got one. Later on, I spotted that another G speciosum is blooming, and I saw one pod already present. I must have their seed and planted it again in my lab. My previous seed germination project was failed a year ago. I think due to the pod is too young, and I'm very exited at that time, my rushness yields to nothing. So, this time I can wait till the pods cracked, and seed pours out. I may have small amount of high quality seed, and just use dry seed sterilization technique. May be I'll be more successfull .
