Thursday, December 27, 2012

Low cost Tissue Culture

A few days ago, I read an interesting report about, how tissue culture can be made cheap.  This is intersesting since people perception that plant tissue culture requires sophisticated equipment, and require infrastructure to support.  But, it seems to me that, tissue culture, if, has to be creates big impact to agriculture and forestry, it must be easy and low cost.

My first attempt to make tissue culture at low cost will be using available chemical, instead of the highly expensive chemical from chemical factory, such as Merck, Sigma, and Duchefa...those three are common brand for me as researcher, but farmer will not be able to afford that.  So, what could be the alternative ?

Let's look at the MS salt, it consist of
  •  KNO3
  • MgSO4*7H20
  • KH2PO4
  • CaCL2
  • NH4NO3

And how will I replace them with cheaper chemie :

  • KNO3 : there is on the internet chemical like this, KNO3 cap traktor Pak Tani
  • MgSO4 *H2O : Can be substitute with Kieserite Fertilizer
  • KH2PO4 : on the internet it is avaiable on cheap price
  • CaCL2 : it's cheap no need to replace
  • NH4NO3 : can replace using ZA fertilizer (NH4)2SO4
How about can be done using kid's vitamin (it contain a variety of vitamin from B Complex, such as B Combion, vit C from fpharmacist  , riboflavin, biotin et cetera ....various vitamin on the drug store)

How about hormon.....well this I have to say, not to be substitute, we have to purchase that

How about autoclaving ???????

Well, you can use your microwave, magic com, boil it, and can be sterilize prior to autoclaving using Fungicide (eg methyl thiophanate), NaOCl (bayclin, NaDCC, 3 ppm) by mixing it before autoclaving, to ensure potential microbe be eliminated completely.

See you, I'll continiue this report anytime soon

Happy holiday, happy new year


  1. Mungkin alternatif mengganti lampu TL, dengan lampu hemat energi seperti Lampu PHILIP Tornado. Satu unit lampu mungkin hanya perlu biaya Rp 40 000/unit sedangkan dengan lampu yang sekarang biaya 1 pc lampu seharga Rp 60 000

  2. Hari ini diterima sampel pupuk KNO3.
    satunya dari Toko trubus, warnanya agak kemerahan, berbentuk butiran. mungkin ada tambahan lain sehingga warnanya agak kemerahan.
    satunya lagi merek traktor pak tani, berwarna putih bersih, berbentuk butiran. Akan kita coba kedua sampel pupuk ini, menggantikan KNO3 yang dari Merck atau Duchefa.

  3. Untuk 2 jenis pupuk yang diuji menunhjukkan bahwa KNO3 dari merek Traktor Pak Tani lebih baik dibandingkan dengan KNO3 merek Trubus. Hal tersebut terlihat dari pengujian dengan rooting in vitro, dimana akar dari Planlet eucalyptus yang menggunakan KNO3 traktor P Tani lebih baik, sedangkan akar pada media yang menggunakan KNO3 merek Trubus terlihat agak sedikit merah. Pada larutan stock yang dibuat juga terlihat bahwa Larutan stock KNO3 Trubus menghasilkan residu/endapan kemerahan, yang kemungkinan adalah KCL, sedangkan pada Larutan stock yang menggunakan KNO3 merek Traktor Pak Tani tidak dihasilkan endapan.
