Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First day on January 2013

Some project not yet completed, due to several reason....I'll take some time to day to deal with the problem.  But right now lets prepare the equipment.

  1. Autoclaving Dispensette Nichiryo : all body (completely) can be autoclaved, not like the Thermo dispensette,  you can only autoclaved the fin tip.  Nichiryo provide only 2 fin tip.
  2. Autoclaved gloves since the heated medium is very hot, safety first
  3. BAP and flask autoclaved together with the Dispensette
  4. The Makro MS medium left only 2, so I may have to make new one...The aluminium foil may be too loose so the air might have got in and contaminated the medium.
  5. I have to figure out the efficient way to make a series of medium with different hormon composition with the already autoclaved hormon  (IBA and BAP stock)
  6. Labelling for sure
  7. Study the high heat and pressure from sterilization to efficacy of the hormon....or should I just ignored the loss due to break down by heat and pressure, since I can compensate that with levelling up the concentration.
This become interesting and I see possibilities that some happy ending will come, or may be a new discoveries.     Well I think great scientist not just depends on their head but also on their hand to do the horrible things like mix and max chemical, repetition, some mistakes, in consistencies of test, poor result, trial and error....or may be just good luck (Mr Shen says : by chance),  but luck isn't coming without  having first buying the lotteries.

So much to do,, but just sit and think won't solve the problem, we have to put ideas into realities.   So let's get our hand dirty and dig deeper and deeper, who knows may be you only got 1 m left to discover the gold.

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