Micro propagation of
Eucalyptus hybrid (WK 15 Eh) Using Nodal Explants
Freddy Pangaribuan,
Plants Tissue Culture
Laboratory – Tree Improvement Section
Research and
Development PT Wirakarya Sakti –S Tapa - Jambi
Abstract: Large scale micro
propagation of Eucalyptus species has been achieved from nodal explants. Several media with different hormone and
condition were tries in standardization of this plant. Surface sterilization technique using Mercury
chloride (HgCl2) can be used as alternative for easy and efficient
protocol. Explants induce can produce
new buds within 7-10 days. Additional of
silver nitrate (AgNO3) have a promotory effect on shoot production
and bacterial suppression. Micro
propagation by this protocol is rapid, reproducible and true to type plant can
be achieved.
Eucalyptus has been a major fiber
source and the demand for pulp production is ever increasing. The objective of this study is the
establishment of standard protocols micro propagation of large scale Eucalyptus
hybrid clones free of pest and disease.
Material and Methods
Plant material of Eucalyptus
hybrid Wk 015 EH was taken from PT
Wirakarya Sakti R&D Nursery Centre in November 2008. Nodal segment of 3-5 cm was harvested from
newly sprouted branch of the stool plant (mother plant). Leaves were trimmed and washed with detergent
for 10 minutes. Explants were surface
sterilized with 1% of Mercury chloride for 1-3 minutes and then rinsed with sterile
water. Damage cut end were removed,
trimmed to a size of 1-1.5 cm each explants containing at least one node
one node. All the aseptic manipulation was carried out
in laminar flow. Selection of medium for
inoculation using E6’ (Base E5, Vit E5, IAA 0.2 + BAP 0.4, Sugar 30 gr/l and as
gelling agent using agar Jia Feng from China. After inoculation culture were incubated in
cool white fluorescent light (1600-2000lux) with 12-16 hours photoperiod at
temperature 25-32oC. The explants were
oriented in a vertical position. The
response of the explants were estimated on contamination rate and bud initiation
Result and Discussion
The success of the micro
propagation through nodal cultures involves number of factors which affect
directly or indirectly the proper establishment of explants in the medium.
Of all treatment using HgCl2
as a sterilant the respond of the explants varies. Treatment with 1 minute of submerging and continuous
agitation gives 100% contaminated while the best treatment is 5 minutes
submerging and twice rinsing in sterile water.
The result may be different since the explants are not uniform but it is
better to use second and third nodes i.e. with older tissue. Young tissue use in this experiment shows the
effect of toxicity and explants dies.
Table 1. Responds of explants
with sterilization using HgCl2 in 1-5 minutes duration after 40 days.
Duration (mnt)
No Explants
Contamination (%)
The nodal explants produce new
buds within 7-10 days inE6 media and subsequent sub culturing were using this
medium and added with 1 ppm of silver nitrate.
Silver nitrate have a promotory effect on shoot initiation and also anti
microbial activity. Problem of
hyperhydricity occurs on some explants and the symptom is red, glassy and
watery tissue. The vitreous explants are
separated from healthy tissue because vitreous tissue produces more than normal
ethylene gas that can deform healthy tissue.

Fig 1. Culture of WK 015 EH after 6 series of subculture
Healthy tissues can be multiplied
and a multiplication rate of 2 can be achieved.
Elongated shoots were rooted on B2RE and rooting rate will be assessed. Several sub culturing may contribute to high
rooting rate, since young tissue can not developed root.

Fig 2. One day old rooting from above culture on B2RE (MSm NAA 1 + BAP
0.5). Note that the stem still less

Fig 3. Symptoms of Hyperhidricity on culture appear
as glassy, watery and brittle tissues.

Fig 4. Normal tissue with green
leaves and high efficiency multiplication on ME 15 (MS , IAA 1 + BA 0.5).
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