Between TDZ and 2.4 D, which one can give best result on callous frequency and shoot regeneration. I got some info that 2.4 D can produce not true to type in high degree, info please help
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How the culture you will work ?
in my experience, the 2.4 D is better than TDZ, TDZ aid in the formation of callus, but not in the high frequency. but also a higher concentration of 2,4-D, you will have more chance of mutations
2,4D coud be good when you put togheter another citokin... But what is important know is : How culture our friend will work ,, what do you think ?
or will have no practical help
place of callous and callous is a carbohydrate substance(similar to cellulose)
deposited on sieve elements,very different from your undifferentiated parenchymatic