Friday, August 8, 2014

E deglupta, rainbow tree for it's striking color, no GMO trees.

Klon ini coba kita induksi, tepatnya tanggal 30 Juli 2014, beberapa eksplan di sterilisasi permukaan, dan hasilnya OK, beberapa eksplan mulai menumbuhkan tunas.  Laporannya akan kita buat yang bagus nantinya, untuk informasi pendahuluan, nikmati aja dulu artikel ini.

The World’s Most Colourful Tree

Like paint, colour cascades down the bark of the towering Rainbow Eucalyptus tree. Stretching up to 70 metres tall, the (officially named) Eucalyptus Deglupta has been dubbed the most colourful tree on earth. Its striking appearance is due to the way in which the tree sheds its bark; pieces break off and with each departure a fresh green hue is unearthed. With time, this green evolves into darker shades of blues and purples and eventually matures into a rich orange-maroon hue. With different pieces of bark breaking off at different times, it is the sporadic nature of this cycle that unleashes the kaleidoscopic stripes for which the Rainbow tree is most well known. Found naturally only in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines, the Eucalyptus Deglupta is now grown in tree plantations around the world in order to provide pulpwood (used in making paper.)
Rainbow Eucalyptus TreeRainbow Eucalyptus TreeRainbow Eucalyptus TreeRainbow Eucalyptus TreeRainbow Eucalyptus Tree
Fancy a closer look? Get in touch with Dean or Atsushi about a house exchange in Indonesia!

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