Monday, January 14, 2013

Teknologi Enkapsulasi Untuk Kultur Jaringan

Teknologi ini sudah lama dikenal, tapi belum pernah saya coba.
Menarik karena, istilah yang digunakan sepertinya kurang tepat.
Beberapa menggunakan istilah benih sintetis, karena bijinya diselapiti oleh semacam plastik transparan, padahal sesungguhnya bukan.  Senyawa yang kelihatan transparan itu dihasilkan dari senyawa Sodium alginate yang berpolimerisasi dengan CaCl 2 yang menghasilkan capsul yang elastis dan water permeable.
Berikut gambarnya, saya quote dari FRIM.

Sumber : Anonimus.Laporan Inisiatif Inovasi (Kementrian Sumber Asli & Alam Sekitar/Institut Penyelidikan Perhutan Malaysia). dan  Patel, A.V., Pusch, I., Vorlop, K.D., 2000.A novel encapsulation technique for the production of artificial seed.Cell Biology and Morphogenesis.  Plant Cell Reports (2000). 19 : 868-874.  Springer-Verlaag.


  1. Question, the size of the tissue encapsulated relatively small, approx 5 mm, the technician should cut the tissue containing the nodes (sharp cutting tools). At this point, the tissues remain sterile.
    After that we have to mix it with the Na-Alginate , can we maintain this in a sterile condition, and next also, during the mixing with solution of CaCl 2.OK.....................After that we can keep it in the refrigerator-for how long, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months for acacia and eucalypts may be different depend on the tissues and quality of preparation.
    At the end, germination process...........what it takes to germinates successfully, whats the medium composition.....and rooting purposes. whether in vitro or ex vitro.

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